Providing Faith Based Counseling

I provide personalized mental healthcare that integrates Christian beliefs and traditional counseling technics that you can access from the comfort of your home. Sessions occur on-line through the use of a secure, private, HIPAA Complient portal.

My Approach

I am a doctoral-level counselor who provides quality faith based mental health care. As a licensed mental health counselor and a Christian, I assist clients by providing therapy, grief and stress management, coaching, and more. Let me help you overcome the hurdles life has placed in front of you.


Providing you with a safe space to heal

All your appointments will take place on-line through a secure portal provided through TherapyNotes in the comfort and safety of your own home. Feel free to enjoy a soft drink, coffee or tea while we meet. My goal is for you to feel as comfortable as possible.



  • Grief Counseling

    Grief can be visualized as a storm at sea. there is darkness, the winds are howling, and the waves are relentless. Finding calmer waters often requires someone to help you navigate through the storm. Let me be your partner and travel through that storm with you.

  • Couples Counseling

    Relationships are hard. It takes a lot of work to “keep in touch with that special person”. What is their favorite color, meal or movie? Take some time to revisit the reasons they are special to you.

  • Coaching

    When making life altering decisions it is often helpful to have someone that can be that sounding board and confidant. I can help with developing milestones and setting priorities and goals to help you find that success you are seeking.

  • Stress Management

    Stress is a fact of life. It varies from person to person and situation to situation through the use of technics such as relaxation exercises, time management, and Mindfullness and Cognitive Behavioral based approaches you can regain control and keep your stress at an optimal range.

About Me……..

  • Alan Cassell, Counselor

    My favorite activity is spending time with my son. This is a photo of my son and I at the Observation Park and RDU International Airport. We have so much fun watching the planes come and go.

  • Education

    Bachelor of arts in psychology from The Penn State University, a Master of Art in clinal mental health counseling from Wake Forest University, and a Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology and Counseling from Regent University.

  • My Faith

    Raised in a warm loving Christian home to believe that by putting my faith in God and following the path he puts in front of me I will serve him by serving others. I believe God provides us with opportunities to utilize our talents on his behalf and he is the reason I became a counselor.

  • Calibrate Counseling

    I am licensed in my home state of North Carolina. My practice utilizes Mindfulness and Cognitive Behavioral approaches as well as faith and spiritual based methods to help my clients with mental, emotional and spiritual issues.